Monday, December 5, 2011

Painting nails..

Yesterday, a visiting guest was finding it hard to refrain from commenting about Nischal's nails. I saw it and mentioned it.. and he immediately jumped into the topic.
"Is there something wrong? Have you taken him to the doctor ? "
".. er..  No. "
"Then why are they YELLOW in color ?!"
"..Oh.. thats just was the color of the marker he found"
That brought out a smile.

Today Nischal found another marker.

His mom has had these complaints for a while .
"... I don't have a daughter I can share anything with.."
".. I would have taught her Odissi, Bharatanatya.. "
".. I could have dressed her up so nice .."
".. I could have taken her shopping ! .. "
etc. etc.

Combine the nail painting with the Chammak Challo dance obsession he's acquired.. his mom has some hope. :) So, I picked up a camera and tried taking pictures. He felt shy and started running inside. Then Gauri (the nanny ) called out - "then Pappa will take pictures of aNNa (his brother)" . That immediately turned him around.