Monday, June 17, 2013

One of the sundays..

The wife was out shopping for my niece's birthday present, and I was left with the boys. It was 4 pm, and the little guy said "Papa take me down to play with Anant".
So, we get ready and go down, but Anant isn't around.
"Let's go to his house" he says. I say "you can't just go to somebody's house.. we need to call and find out"
"I know his number" he replies and proceeds to dial the extension. He's promptly greeted by a lady on the other side who tells him there's no Anant there.
I have a million questions on how he came up with that number (he's 4 years old ), but those are interrupted by his next command. "Let's go to his place, and I want to climb the stairs"
Anant's apartment is on the 10th floor, but I agree - my phone has this step counter app, and I never get close to 1000 steps daily let alone the 10,000 steps goal it thinks we need to get everyday. And my 1000 steps include not pausing the step counting while in the car too.
 Anant's dad greets us, and promises to send Anant down with his grandpa in a few minutes. Barely hearing him, Nischal starts taking off his shoes to go in.
Before I too can voice my objection (coz I'll have to put them back on him), he's vaults in .. calling his name.

Anant's mom also promises that she'll send him down after she packs his water, etc. - they're clearly uncomfortable with us standing at their door. Nischal is unfazed. "No problem, we'll wait right here for him" .
They give up.
"Okay, he'll come with you.."  says Anant's dad " .. and his grandpa will be down shortly with his water bottle ."
"You're ok with minding them? " asks Anant's mom .. rightly concerned. I nod nonchalantly.. " sure, no problem"

I have the elevator door open for them before Nischal thinks of skipping down 10 floors.