Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mom - hit in the face, and dad escapes with a shot on his legs..

Reporting from the war front ... shelling by Mr. Nischal continued, and yesterday Mom was the first casualty. She caught a volley on the face and clothes, and let out a shriek. Surprisingly however, Mom later seemed unfazed and unhurt, and even talks about event in a rather light vein. 

Dad was hit a few hours later -  He claims he was tricked. In his own words 
"I was alert. Armed with a wet tissue in hand, I blocked and diverted the trajectory well. But just as I moved my hand towards the new diaper, the second volley caught me. I'm lucky I only got hit on my leg.. " 

Despite the confident front,  the previous arrogance has clearly left him. One could see signs of fatigue and humility on his tired face. Like the chap departing from the White house, he realizes that he'd presumed victory a little too soon. 

Mr. Nischal, unfortunately wasn't available for a comment. His office responded that he was 'resting'. 

.. More news to follow ..   

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The little alien has a name : Cool dude

Ok . not literally 'cool dude' .

We named our boy 'Nischal' . In Sanskrit, it means one who is calm, unruffled. So, one could paraphrase it to 'cool dude'. :)

Right now the parents aren't enlightened enough to understand the pearls of wisdom from the dude.

When he's hungry he hunts around with an open mouth for his mom. His parents fondly call that the 'jaws' move. He does that when he's not hungry too to ensure she's within reach. For reasons unknown she gets a little upset when he does that at night every couple of hours.

His working hours are fixed to Pacific Standard Time. His parents just don't get it, and are stupidly talking to everybody about how he doesn't sleep at night. But true to his name, he's cool about it. He knows he can eventually train them.

He's also into sports, his dad thinks. Not sure if its shooting or archery. Every diaper change, he aims at his dad. And he is sure a determined chap - totally unfazed about missing so far. He does have some minor successes - eg. his grandpa who's a little slow at jumping out of the way.
One can't blame Nischal's skills though - given the parents' infernal practice of using diapers, he doesn't really get enough opportunities to practice.

Once in a while when his zombie parents look like they're going over the top, he flashes them a quick smile - and they're all happy and glowing . "Too easy" he thinks and hopes that life ahead is a little more challenging than these pushovers.

He's now gone through the ceremony of being officially put into the cradle. Not fooled by all that drama, he still prefers his parents arms. He's a little annoyed that he has to keep asserting this often.

Chugging milk has also built up his vocal chords a bit. His parents' response time has gotten better owing to this. Being the kind and understanding soul he is, he readily accepts their failings and is willing to work on them and better them.

Enter the Alien - Dec 11, 2008

The 'baby with no name' came out at at 11:38 am Dec 11 IST at 35 weeks.
He weighed 2.57 Kgs ( 5.66 lbs) and was 18.5 inches long.

Like most newcomers, he kinda looks like an alien, but everybody around him treats him like the cutest thing that ever came on earth.

He also, for no apparent reason, lets out short whines/ groans every two minutes.
Definitely a party animal too - he's up all night.

Anu is also fine & recovering well. She was hoping for a daughter she could buy pretty frocks for, go to chick flicks with, and commiserate about an
insensitive father & older brother whose emotions are limited to things with wheels.
I too feel deeply for her. :))