Friday, February 20, 2009

Sympathetic balding?

Nischal's dad has a very valid reason for putting on weight - or so he says. 
'Sympathetic pregnancy' - is the term he uses, and points out that most weight he has gained has been during the two pregnancies of his sons. 
While his wife lost weight religiously after delivery and is back to being trim, he lovingly rubs his belly like he's still planning on delivering it sometime.  New years & resolutions have whizzed past, but there's another new year always round the corner, eh?

Another dimension to Dad's aging process is his rapidly declining hair. His pate is emptying at the top. Unlike the bulk, that is something he's definitely losing hair about.  
Nischal - despite his busy schedule of chugging milk, pooping & sleeping - seems to have noticed this and has decided to lend an empathetic hand here. 

Now he also is rapidly losing the already scant hair he had.. resulting in a rather empty dome worse than his dad. 

If thats not a true father-son bond, what is? 

From 2009-02-06 - 2009-02-21

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