Monday, November 30, 2009

The pincer grip

Not just rejoicing in his previous success, Nischal added yet another kiss-evading maneuver that turned out be the most effective.
Dad had to stop kissing his son - mouth ulcers. But it took him a while to realize he was the victim of Nischal's latest weapon.
Puzzled ?
The dad was, too - for weeks. Here's the skinny:
When dad tried to reach him with puckered lips, he'd put out his hand and grab hold of his lower lip. And then use his little pincer grip to the hilt.
Initially dad was all in praise of his dad - about Nischal's cute little fingers, holding on to things, how he grips, cutie pie, yada yada yada. The next day, he couldn't open his pie hole to even scream in pain.
The little nicks Nischal presented him with had bloomed. On the bright side, dad lost a couple of pounds - not being really able to eat anything without yelping about it.